Timing is Everything

After months of hard work, my stepson, Eric, decided to buy himself a new phone. He was anxious to get it set up and ready to use. So anxious, in fact, that when he opened the package, the little card (SIM card) that makes it work, fell out onto his lap and fell down into the unknown. It happened to be very dark where he was. Even though he searched as best as he could, he never was able to find the tiny card.

He called the company and ordered a new card. They said it would be delivered today, but to no avail. When he came home, he called the company. They said their warehouse was closed Saturday and it wouldn’t arrive until tomorrow, but there still may be some problems with the shipping and receiving process. He was on the phone with them for quite a while and his discouragement grew by the minute. I’m not sure how this will end, but the night he dropped the small, yet much needed card, he admitted he was just so anxious to use it but instead should’ve waited until a better time to have opened it.

We humans can become impatient beings. God’s children are often no exception when it comes to patience while waiting on the Lord and His timing. The story that comes to mind is that of Abram (Abraham) and Sarai (Sarah). The Lord made a covenant with Abram that He would give his (Abram’s) seed certain land. Abram and Sarai didn’t have children so Abram jumped ahead of the Lord and decided to have a child with the Egyptian handmaid, Hagar. It wasn’t until Abram was 99 years old that the Lord appeared to him and said unto him, “I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.” Genesis 17:1 (b)-2 KJV.

When God made His covenant with him, He changed their names from Abram to Abraham, and from Sarai to Sarah. He went on to tell Abraham he would have a son and name him Isaac at the age of 100, and Sarah would give birth at 90 years old. Although Abraham laughed to himself, as did Sarah, the Lord did as He said He would. (I encourage you to read Genesis chapters 15-18 for the full story. There’s more depth of the matter than what I wrote about here.)

It can be rather difficult to wait on the Lord and His timing. Sometimes we may be in a dark place and struggling to trust God, but His timing is best. If we only wait on Him and trust Him fully, it will prevent difficulties we may have if we were to jump ahead of Him.

As always, I thank the Lord for speaking to me, causing me to dig in to His Word deeper and allowing me to share it with you. Thank you for reading!


Author: Priscilla Bohannon

I am a wife, a mother and a Christian author. My first book "In Every Situation, God is There" was published in 2014. It's currently unavailable, but I am working on getting it back on the market soon. I enjoy spending time with my family, writing and doing crafts. I clean houses for a living, and have for over 13 years. It provides me with quiet time to reflect on my own messy life. I find peace spending time with the Lord and only have peace when I am walking with Him. Without Him, I'd never make it in this life.

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