Yapping Dog

Every morning when Leah is getting ready for school, our little dog, Honey, comes prancing in the room where we are and starts doing a certain little bark. It’s different than the “someone is here” bark. Thankfully it’s a lot quieter. We always know what she wants-  us to ask her a question. What is the question? “Do you want to go for a ride?” She goes wild! She starts barking, running around, maybe grabs her bear and starts shaking it back and forth, growling. (Keep in mind she is a whole 8 pounds.) She may start scratching her paws on something as if she’s digging, but almost always she tries to howl. She can’t contain her excitement! Her answer is always yes!

When we pull in to the driveway, she jumps in the backseat, then back up front- just as excited to be back as when we asked her if she wanted to go. As soon as I open the driver door, she jumps out, running toward the woods barking like she’s going to attack.

She does this every single time.

She kind of reminds me of how I used to be, or if I’m not careful, how I can still be.

James 1:19-20 (KJV) says, 19) “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: 20) For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

Honey may be swift to hear if she’s after a critter in the woods, but she’s certainly not slow to speak and I would have to agree that she does seem pretty wrathful. It actually has become a habit for her. It is part of her routine.

I’ve been that wife. Husband comes home, I’m not hearing by his actions how tired he may be, suddenly I bombard him about how he didn’t mow the grass (for example), then I become downright angry.

I’ve been not just that wife but that person in many instances. Any way you look at it, I’ve been pretty much the same as the yapping dog.

As far as my husband goes, I now try to wait until he’s at least had supper to start griping (haha).

But on a serious note, it can be anything or anyone that comes our way. It all boils down to self-control. It’s a huge turn off to be a representative for Jesus and act like the devil. Sure, we all fall short at times, but I know when I want to speak my mind, if I only pause and am swift to listen to that still small voice of the Lord, He controls my desire to flap my tongue and work myself up into a tizzy.

I know I’ve wasted enough time doing this life the wrong way, I’m ready for my Master to train me up. He is able to teach this “old dog” new things if I am only willing.

Thanks for reading!



Author: Priscilla Bohannon

I am a wife, a mother and a Christian author. My first book "In Every Situation, God is There" was published in 2014. It's currently unavailable, but I am working on getting it back on the market soon. I enjoy spending time with my family, writing and doing crafts. I clean houses for a living, and have for over 13 years. It provides me with quiet time to reflect on my own messy life. I find peace spending time with the Lord and only have peace when I am walking with Him. Without Him, I'd never make it in this life.

2 thoughts on “Yapping Dog”

  1. I love reading your blog each day. Thank you for taking the time to share what is in your heart. You are a beautiful example of a Godly wife and mother. God bless.

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